There are just way too many cute pictures of the pumpkin carving to post, but I love this first one so here it is! I had Josh carve a pumpkin for Aaron last weekend (all the pics are posted on my Flickr site) and Aaron was VERY interested in the pumpkin guts, of course. I think it was probably most fun for me because it's so fun to watch him experience new things and to learn about new things. Plus, he was half naked and half naked babies are always adorable!
In development news, Aaron started army crawling his way around instead of just rolling. And he can actually get on all fours and rock back and fourth, but no actual crawling on his hands and knees. And unfortunately, he's figured out how to open the dog cage. Yay! for being smart, boo! for getting in trouble. He's a little stinker already. He'll do something he knows he shouldn't be doing -- for example I have the stack of magazines on the bottom shelf of a side table and he always goes for them because he likes to tear them up. Well, we tell him "NO" when he does that and we move him away from the magazines. But he'll get back over there and touch the magazines with one hand and hold it there while he looks back at me! Then I say "no Aaron, those are mommies" and he takes his hand off, then immediately puts it back and looks at me again but with this little smile in his eyes. YEAH - a little trouble maker already! Geesh - what am I in for?
Anywho, his mistake of a haircut is looking a little better and most people are nice about it, saying they like it (psha, right!). Other than that, he's doing well! My Chubbas!
Wishing you all a Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Aaron's First Pumpkin Carving
Posted by
12:43 PM
Labels: Aaron, baby, developments, halloween, pumpkin
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Pumpkin Prowl! (A picture post)
Josh & Aaron checking out some cool pumpkins.
Aaron checking out the little witches on my headband instead of looking at the pumpkins!
Family photo. Notice Josh & Aaron look spent. Not me - I love Halloween!
Aaron at home on the floor getting all his new found energy out before bed time!
I just had to mention the cool Vans I have. They match Aaron's outfit perfectly!
More Halloween themed photos to come!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gap Casting Call
Ok, I know I already posted one today, but I really want to see if Aaron can win this!
I entered Aaron in the Gap Casting Call Contest and I need your help! Please go to the Gap Casting Call Website and vote for Aaron. His ID number is 678332615 and he's under the category "Baby Boy".
Yes, you'll have to register to vote, but do it for us! We'll love you forever!
P.S. - In case you're reading this Gap people - I love the Gap. Always been one of my favorite stores and I'm also a proud ex-Gap employee! WOOT! And I'm done whoring.....
Posted by
3:28 PM
Warning: If you let me cut your child's hair he'll end up looking like Llyod Christmas from Dumb & Dumber
Ok, seriously..... Don't ever let me cut Aaron's again. He went from having his sweet little naturally emo haircut:
to the Lloyd Christmas Dumb & Dumber haircut:
I'm pretty sure this might make me a horrible mother. Josh made fun of it for days. Needless to say, Aaron will be wearing hats for awhile. Poor kid (sigh).
Well besides the terrible haircut, Aaron has begun teething again and he's got good days and then very bad, awful, no-good days. We're doing all the things we're supposed to.... but mostly it's the waking up at 3 or 4 am that is driving me insane. I went from drinking an occasional cup of coffee to 1-2 cups a day.
On a different note, we went to our first "social function" together --- A wedding! My friend Sara got married this past weekend and we took Aaron. He did really well which was awesome. And pretty much everyone thought he was adorable, including the photographer! I'm sure he's gonna be in like, half the photos! I hope Sara won't mind! I took a few photos myself and they are up on Flickr.
In development news, Aaron rolls around everywhere and now he can get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth but usually ends up launching himself backwards instead of forward. He'll get it soon though, I'm sure! And just the other day, he pulled himself up in his crib all by himself! NO help from mom or dad whatsoever! He's still saying the "dadada"s and "bababa"s and occasionally the "mamama"s (which is strange because he started off with "mama", but whatever). And we're pretty sure he tries to say doggy too. It's funny because he knows Ulrich's name. So anytime I say Ulrich, he looks for the dog.
Other than that, everything is going well. We are looking forward to Aaron's first Halloween and plan to go to the Pumpkin Prowl at the Zoo. ;)
Hope all is well with you! More updates to come soon.
Posted by
11:00 AM
Labels: Aaron, baby, developments, haircut, pictures