Sunday, March 17, 2013

A new venture for us! Submitted for Review:........

Aaron working on his modeling skills.
A few weeks ago I was offered the opportunity to become an NCircle iNSider!  If you have young children I'm sure you've heard of NCircle Entertainment.  They are the company that puts out some of Aaron's favorite tv programs like Dino Dan, Yo Gabba Gabba and Pocoyo (which I usually have him watch in Espanol).  

Being an NCircle iNSider means that I get sent a DVD every month for Aaron and I to watch together and review.  We're like, super awesome movie critics now!  The first DVD we were sent was Sid the Science Kid: The Movie!  Aaron has watched the cartoon before but this is the first movie from Sid the Science Kid!

The movie was about Sid and his classmate Gabriela who win a contest and get to be part of a small group of kids to visit a brand new science museum before it opens to the public.  The kids meet children from another country, get to see robots, dinosaurs, solar system exhibits and more.  They learn about science and when something goes wrong they learn about teamwork and solve the problem together!  

Aaron was totally entranced during the entire movie.  He paid full attention, laughed out loud at the silly robots and learned new science facts about electricity and the solar system.  When I asked if he liked the movie he said "YES!" and when I asked what his favorite part was he said he loved the part about the dinosaur exhibit.  

As a parent, the biggest lesson I hope Aaron took from the DVD was the lesson about teamwork.  It shows kids how important it can be to work together to solve problems, even if you know plenty of things on your own.  Sometimes seeing things from another point of view can help out!

So, from Aaron and I both the DVD Sid the Science Kid: The Movie! gets 2 thumbs up!  

The movie retails for $12.99 and is available at, or a retailer near you including Toys "R" Us and Target.